Sunday 24 December 2006

I don't know where you keep the bloody plastic containers!!!!!

Ho hum.... the joys of having a husband who works away for most of the year.... in fact, it goes something like this.... Home for about 10 days, gone for like 4 weeks + travelling days of 3...... that makes me a single Mum doesn't it?! Why can't I get social security benefits then? *lol* Anyhow, the joys of having an away husband means that he apparently doesn't know where I keep my plastic containers!! Or so he says!!!! My retaliation was "how long have you lived here?!"

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Have a Husband That Works Away in the Mines

1. They don't remember where to find the plastic containers

2. They forget how to be neat and tidy

3. They leave their table manners at work

4. They don't remember where to find the plastic containers

5. They treat their wives like one of 'the boys' at work

6. The 'F' word features about 33.6 times in every sentence

7. They come back with strange accents

8. They don't remember where to find the plastic containers

9. They can't find their own clean socks and underwear in the drawer where they've always been

10. They don't remember where to find the plastic containers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This morning a very evil thing happened..... I was being a 'good wife' and helping out Michael in the yard - raking up leaves & other assorted garden crap - and this thing stung me, through my leather gloves, into the side of my middle finger.... how dare it! I hope his quick exit to hell will suffice as punishment! *squished under my right gum boot*

This isn't the offender, but here's what they look like. They're called 'Jumping Jack' ants... they grab you with their pincers and then sting you with their arse, literally!! And let me tell you, it hurts like hell!!! I would've thought the ant population should know better than to sting me after what I did to a stinging offender last summer!!!

So, it's christmas eve.... how exciting..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....


The only thing I'm excited about it watching Maygan open all her pressies tommorrow morning! She's getting very spoilt this year, as she kind of knows what's going on, whereas last year she had no clue and therefore got no presents *lol*

Christmas to me is a time for family... getting together and enjoying eachothers company. But they'll be none of that this year! (Well, apart from just the 3 of us).

A 'dear' family member has decided that they won't speak to us anymore, so there's gonna be no contact from now on, but that could be a good thing I suppose...... no more listening to whinging, whining, hissy fits etc.... yippee!

SO, to all of my bloggy-blog viewers, here's to a Merry Christmas & a safe and propsperous New Year! (If you win lotto I expect half-shares as I wished you prosperity!!!)

From Natt, who literally falls asleep after only one glass of wine....... but don't tell anyone I'm a cheap drunk!

Just thought I'd add this picture for those who need a good vomit.... hehehe.....


Anonymous said...

Merry Xmas Natters !!!
Don't take it too personally..I have no idea where you keep the plastic containers either so its not just a mining thing..its one of those areas that applies to men in general !!

The rest of it I can't help with...I pile my skivvies on top of the dresser to make it easier to find, along with 2 or 3 sets of clothes (options are good for you) and my language is just as bad since I started back on construction sites,...again, a guy thing.

So...lets review...

* can't find crap
* curses like a trooper
* no manners at all
* treats wifey like one of the guys (this is actually acompliment!!

Well..thats the truth about men !!!


metal and knit said...

mmm leaves the table manners at work and uses language..... I do beleive that is just normal for our Micheal