Monday 19 February 2007

Do you have any idea how much trouble a hyphen can cause?!?!?!?!

A whole bloody lot of trouble, that's what!!

I'm absolutely livid!!!!!!

I'm heading overseas in May, and attempted to get a passport for myself and for Maygan today. BUT...... I can't even hand in the application, because apparently I'm two different people!

On my birth certificate I'm Nathalie-Anna, and on ALL my other ID I'm Nathalie Anna.... no hyphen......... and it's because of this that I now have to change my name by law!!


Can you believe such a stupid thing?!

I could either change all my ID to have a hyphenated name, or change my legal name to have it without the hyphen and pay $160!!!!!!!!!

Easy I thought. I'll just get my ID changed.


Because Maygan's birth certificate I have my name without the hyphen (and this CANNOT be changed), I have no choice but to pay the 160 bucks and change my name. Now seeing as I have to change it, I thought I should change it to something completely different.

Like Gertrude.

Or Cyril.

Or maybe even Maude.

I am officially blaming Al Quaeda for this bloody nonsense! The passport office has become super strict!

Oh, and I blame my mother. For putting a stupid hyphen in my name and then never using it again!



Saturday 17 February 2007

I think my cat is suicidal

Yes folks, you read correctly! I think Charlee is suicidal...... when I came home on Wednesday from my grandma's house ( I walked there and back with Maygan in the pram) I found Charlee in the front yard trying to play with a tiger snake.... A SNAKE!!! The silly boy thought it was lovely to tap the snake with his paws, follow it across the yard and then try to sniff its head! This is when the snake reared up at him and he jumped back. The snake continued on its merry way, WITH Charlee following him across to the garden, and under the house!
I will admit I was pretty scared, for the cat! I was nervous for me, but the snake was already leaving when I got there!
Since then I've managed to pluck up the courage to go out to the clothesline several times, and also this morning continued on my fitness kick of running up and down our long driveway. Now the aim of exercise is to get your heart beating faster so you burn fat.... does simply going near where I saw the snake (thus causing my heart to race!) effective enough to burn fat? One will never know I guess.... I just hope I NEVER see it again, and sincerely hope that it's left the premises all together and hasn't decided that under the house is a nice place to camp!
On that note, I think I should give you an update on Miss Maygan who can now walk independently thank-you-very-much!!
YES, she's finally walking!! And has been doing so for 2 weeks so far... although she still staggers like a drunk sometimes hehe
Here's some photos for your perusal... just because she's so cute!

Watching tv in her favourite yellow shoes, which she chose herself I might add! She's like her Daddy when the box is on.... you can stand in front of her and she'll just look around you to see the telly!!

Sitting at her new table and chairs with Elmo. Now she can actually get up on the chairs by herself and says "sit", or she'll point the the chair and say "seat".... yes, she's so smart!!

And here's my gorgeous girl yesterday! It was so hot she ran around in just her nappy and a pair of shorts on.


Saturday 20 January 2007

A Rebel Without a Cause.....

YAY it's raining!!! Today we finally got a reprieve from all the nasty hot weather us Tasmanian's have been suffering lately!! Last weekend Maygan enjoyed a splash around in a tub of water on our back deck.

I think all the heat has gone to my cat's head. He's acting very strangely! Today he decided to climb up the flyscreen door, something he's never done, and then tried to continue climbing up once he'd reached the top! There was nothing else to hold on to of course.... crazy cat!!


Friday 12 January 2007

These boots were made for walking.........

Oh my gosh! My baby is morphing into a toddler!! Today she finally let me put her hair into a pony tail - and boy did it look cute!! Here's some pics to share.......
Allowing her access to the fridge was the only way I could get a picture of the back of her head, because somebody loves the camera!!
For lunch today, kitekat on toast....... mmmmm yummy. For the cats anyway hehe

Here's the gorgeous Miss Maygan showing of her new gum boots, or shoes, as she prefers to call them! Gumboots are a neccessity when one begins walking (still with assistance!!) around on a farm!
And finally, here's Maygan and Lilly - (milk beard) Maygan having her pre-snooze bottle of milk, and (look at the angle of my right back leg) Lilly wondering why she can't have any!
This afternoon entails a shopping trip to Chickenfeed (cheap variety store) & the purchase of some more milk. I'm thinking we should invest in a cow - Maygan guzzles alot of milk!


Monday 1 January 2007

1st day of 2007.... 1 down, 364 to go.....

Today is the 1st day of the 'New' year.... a day where people in Australia are recovering from massive hangovers before the clock has even struck 12 in Europe. Not that I have a hangover! I was in bed and asleep before midnight, however 'something' woke me at that illusive hour of midnight, and I tossed and turned for the rest of the night *hmph* I still haven't worked out what it was that woke me. We have no neighbours within ear shot, the cats were outside (perhaps having their own NYE party), and Michael was sound asleep next to me... speaking of which, maybe it was his snoring!!!!!

Hope you all had/have a good one!
