Monday 19 February 2007

Do you have any idea how much trouble a hyphen can cause?!?!?!?!

A whole bloody lot of trouble, that's what!!

I'm absolutely livid!!!!!!

I'm heading overseas in May, and attempted to get a passport for myself and for Maygan today. BUT...... I can't even hand in the application, because apparently I'm two different people!

On my birth certificate I'm Nathalie-Anna, and on ALL my other ID I'm Nathalie Anna.... no hyphen......... and it's because of this that I now have to change my name by law!!


Can you believe such a stupid thing?!

I could either change all my ID to have a hyphenated name, or change my legal name to have it without the hyphen and pay $160!!!!!!!!!

Easy I thought. I'll just get my ID changed.


Because Maygan's birth certificate I have my name without the hyphen (and this CANNOT be changed), I have no choice but to pay the 160 bucks and change my name. Now seeing as I have to change it, I thought I should change it to something completely different.

Like Gertrude.

Or Cyril.

Or maybe even Maude.

I am officially blaming Al Quaeda for this bloody nonsense! The passport office has become super strict!

Oh, and I blame my mother. For putting a stupid hyphen in my name and then never using it again!




metal and knit said...

I know what you mean cos I am registered twice at BDM once as Tianne Lisa and the other as Tia-annelisa dont ask how to pronounce the second one but they wont remove their almost 30 yr old error. It was only when I started at stellar I was asked by BT which is ite correct me. I have my birth certificate correct to as I know it and then my younger sister has the incorrect name. so heck do I go get some ID in that name and get the dole

Anonymous said...

LMAO...thats hilarious!!!
Just goes to show that ya shouldn't be a meany cos it always like me...always comes back to bite ya on the bum!!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO...thats hilarious!!!
Just goes to show that ya shouldn't be a meany cos it always like me...always comes back to bite ya on the bum!!!